Que es una bomba de hidrogeno y como funciona?

¿Qué es una bomba de hidrogeno y cómo funciona?

La bomba de hidrógeno o (bomba H), también conocida como bomba térmica de fusión o bomba termonuclear se basa en la obtención de la energía desprendida al fusionarse dos núcleos atómicos, en lugar de la fisión de los mismos.

¿Cuáles países tienen la bomba de hidrógeno?

Naciones con capacidad de creación en la industria militar nuclear

País Ojivas nucleares activas / total* Año de la primera prueba
Estados Unidos 5800​ 1945 («Prueba Trinity»)
China 350​ 1964 («596»)
Francia 290​ 1960 («Gerboise Bleue»)
Reino Unido 215​ 1952 («Hurricane»)

What is a nuclear EMP?

A nuclear EMP requires a nuclear weapon delivered by a rocket, high flying aircraft or ICBM. The nuke is detonated high in the air (referred to as an “air burst” or atmospheric burst) to create the EMP.

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Do all nukes have EMP effects?

Type in your name, wait 8 seconds, see instant results. All nukes have EMP effects. The EMP effects can be enhanced when the bomb explodes at greater heights, which also minimizes blast and heat effects.

What would an EMP from a hydrogen bomb do to aircraft?

A modern hydrogen bomb is 3 kilotons all the way up to 1.2 megatons, so the amount of EMP from one of these would vary greatly. You can use the kiloton ratio to estimate the range of the EMP and impact in kV/m. Aircraft may be impacted, but the metal fuselage would function partially as a Faraday cage.

What would happen if an EMP hit the US?

The effects of an EMP vary widely depending on the scope, weather, grounding, location, intensity and length of the burst. The largest risk is damage to the electrical grid and technology infrastructure. A major EMP would likely result in damage to our power grid and communications equipment.

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