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¿Qué Apolo se quemó?
El exterior del módulo de mando del Apolo 1 ennegrecido por la erupción del fuego debido al fallo de la cubierta de la cabina. Los restos calcinados del interior de la cabina del Apolo 1.
¿Qué pasó con el Apolo 6?
Aunque Apolo 6 no alcanzó velocidades translunares completas en ninguna dirección, se consideró lo suficientemente exitoso como para volar astronautas en el próximo Saturno V, Además, se encargó de enviarlos a la Luna (órbita lunar) en lugar de la órbita terrestre previamente planeada para Apolo 8 el siguiente …
What is the significance of Apollo 10?
Apollo 10 (May 18 – 26, 1969) was a human spaceflight, the fourth crewed mission in the United States Apollo program, and the second (after Apollo 8) to orbit the Moon. It was the F mission: a «dress rehearsal» for the first Moon landing, testing all the components and procedures just short of actually landing.
What is the approximate temperature of Apollo 10?
/ 15.033°S 164.650°W / -15.033; -164.650 ( Apollo 10 splashdown) Apollo 10 (May 18 – 26, 1969) was a human spaceflight, the fourth crewed mission in the United States Apollo program, and the second (after Apollo 8) to orbit the Moon.
What happened to Apollo 10 after it landed on Earth?
After a midcourse correction, and command and service module separation, Apollo 10 re-entered Earth’s atmosphere May 26. The module splashed down 165 degrees west, and 5 degrees, 8 minutes south in the Pacific Ocean. It’s landing was within television range of its primary recovery ship, the USS Princeton.
Who was the prime crew of Apollo 10?
The prime crew of Apollo 10 is astronauts Thomas P. Stafford, commander; John W. Young, command module pilot; and Eugene A. Cernan, lunar module pilot. Apollo 10 launched from Cape Kennedy on May 18, 1969, into a nominal 115-mile circular Earth-parking orbit at an inclination of 32.5 degrees.