Cuanto mide Leela?

¿Cuánto mide Leela?

Turanga Leela

Leela Turanga
Raza Mutante
Sexo Mujer
Estatura 1,82 m (6 ′ 0 ″)
Peso 62 kg (136 lb)

¿Cuánto mide EMI Wong?

Amy Wong es uno de los personajes principales de Futurama, una serie de televisión de la FOX creada por el autor de Los Simpson, Matt Groening. Tiene unos veinte años (la edad exacta no ha sido revelada en la serie) y rasgos orientales….

Amy Wong
Raza humano
Sexo Mujer
Estatura 1,70 m (5 ′ 7 ″)

Who is Philip Jay Fry II?

Philip Jay Fry II (born February 3, 2007) was the first man on Mars, also known for his fantastical good fortune. He was the son of Yancy Fry, Jr. and his wife making him Fry’s nephew and great-grandson. Philip II is also the nephew of Leela as his paternal uncle’s wife. He was also the step-cousin of Kif Kroker’s Offspring .

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How old is Phil Fry from Futurama?

Philip J. Fry (born August 14, 1974), commonly known simply by his surname Fry, is the main protagonist of the animated sitcom Futurama. Fry was a native to the 20th century who was cryogenically frozen seconds into the year 2000, having fallen in just as 1999 ended.

What are some fun facts about Philip Fry?

Trivia 1 Philip J. 2 Philip J. 3 Due to having become his own grandfather, Fry possesses no delta brain wave, making him immune to psychic attack and making his mind unreadable. 4 Despite being the least mature of the Planet Express Crew, he is the second oldest member chronologically after Bender.

Is Philip Fry related to Yancy Fry?

Philip Jay Fry II (born February 3, 2007) was the first man on Mars, also known for his fantastical good fortune. He was the son of Yancy Fry, Jr. and his wife making him Fry’s nephew and great-grandson. Philip II is also the nephew of Leela as his paternal uncle’s wife.

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