Cual fue el tanque mas grande del mundo?

¿Cuál fue el tanque más grande del mundo?

Landkreuzer P. 1000 Ratte

Landkreuzer P. 1000
Tripulación 40 (mínimo)
Blindaje 150-360 mm
Arma primaria dos cañones de 280 mm 54,5 SK C/34 con 100 proyectiles
Arma secundaria dos cañones de 128 mm KwK 44 L/55

¿Cuál fue el tanque más grande de la Segunda Guerra Mundial?

El Panzer VI Tiger II Ausf. B fue un tanque pesado armado con un cañón L/71 de 88 mm. Combinaba la potencia y precisión del cañón 8,8 cm Pak 43 L/71 con blindaje pesado e inclinado, lo que por un lado le daba ventaja al poder alcanzar sus blancos antes de que el enemigo pudiese responder con fuego.

¿Cuánto medía el Maus?

Acciones de página

Panzer VIII «Maus»
Peso 188 T
Longitud 10,09 m
Anchura 3,67 m
Altura 3,63 m
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¿Cuál es el tanque más poderoso?

El M1 Abrams es un tanque de combate principal producido en Estados Unidos por General Dynamics. Es el principal medio blindado del Ejército de los Estados Unidos, del Cuerpo de Marines de Estados Unidos, y de los ejércitos de Egipto, Kuwait, Arabia Saudí y Australia.

What is a Ratte?

The Ratte was one of the proposed “Wunderwaffe” of the Nazi regime. Wunderwaffe, literally meaning “Miracle Weapon,” was a designation given to numerous super-weapons that the Nazi’s attempted to develop during the war. Zaleski007 The Landkreuzer P. 1000 Ratte compared to the Panzer VIII Maus.

How much did the Ratte weigh?

The divided weight of the Ratte included 300 tonnes of armament (the total weight of the guns themselves was 100 tonnes, so turret armour would have weighed 200 tonnes), 200 tonnes of armour and frame, and 100 tonnes of track and automotive components, while remaining weight would have been distributed to miscellaneous features.

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How good is the 280mm Ratte at duels?

In Arcade mode, where one Ratte can face another, the 280 mm is also the only weapon able to reliably deal with an opponent of the same class. Duels between giants are not something one might want to find himself in, especially with the risk of glitching out of the map when squeezed between the two ramming each other.

What type of ammunition was used in the Ratte and Rege?

The guns used for the Ratte would have fired ammunition developed for other naval guns. It also included armour-piercing rounds with 8.1 kg (18 lb) of explosive filler, and high-explosive rounds with 17.1 kg (38 lb) of explosive filler.

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